
The Norbeck Wildlife Preserve lies within the Black Hills National Forest and encompasses Black Elk Wilderness.

Black Elk Wilderness

The Norbeck Organic Act of June 5, 1920, authorized the establishment of the Custer State Park Game Sanctuary “for the protection of game animals and birds and to be recognized as a breeding place therefor.” The sanctuary was officially established by proclamation on October 9, 1920, by President Woodrow Wilson. The name Custer State Park Game Sanctuary was changed to Norbeck Wildlife Preserve on October 6, 1949 (16 USC 675, 1998).

Discussions on the bill urged cooperation between the State of South Dakota and the federal government “in this game preserve and in the protection of wild animals,” and state that “The object is to set aside certain portions of the Harney National Forest ...for the protection of game” (Cong. Record, 5/29/1920).

The Norbeck legislation is rather unique in that similar legislation was passed for only a very few other areas in the nation.